Teater KAMi was founded on 05th June 1989 by a group of enthusiastic young theatre practitioners who realised at a very early stage that theatre, as an art form is one of the most effective tools for education and social awareness towards a better life.
Teater KAMi turned professional in April 1997. By changing its status from society to ‘company limited’, Teater KAMi, again, created its own history by being the first and the only Malay professional theatre company in Singapore supported by the National Arts Council. In the same year, Teater KAMi became the first Malay/ bilingual theatre company to represent not only Singapore but also its community selected to participate in the annual Cairo Experimental Theatre Festival.
To this end, Teater KAMi has proven to be a Malay theatre company, which is, and still paving ways towards high quality historical, social and educational artistic production.
Teater KAMi firmly believes theatre as a form of artistic practice can and should be a platform for producing productions that are educationally based in the context of cultural and real life education.
Through this notion of cultural and educational exchange by the means of theatrical performances, Teater KAMi hopes to not only educate the young people involved in its productions about the values of respect and cultural awareness but also to project similar aims towards participants in other areas of the arts community and the audience alike aiming towards a multicultural objective.
Teater KAMi aims to develop a well-rounded theatre activist, giving equal attention to the discipline and ‘internal’ techniques of relaxation, focus, emotional engagement and the most important of all, imagination, together with the ‘external’ discipline of speech, voice and movement essential both in performance and real life communication.
Artistic practice is a means of learning and real life experience and there is nothing more valuable than being privileged to enjoy learning and be culturally aware in the present competitive environment.