The Kaizen M.D is performing arts collective that gathers young artists from various art disciplines with the aim of creating multidisciplinary works in Singapore. Founded in July 2012 by its Artistic Director Norisham Osman, The Kaizen M.D. envisions to be the platform for exploration, development and collaboration for young and upcoming multidisciplinary contemporary artists in Singapore while creating new works.
Its recent productions include KaizenXSoundlab in March 2017, Project Spaceship: The Space in Between in September 2016, The Problem With Being Human in October 2015 and The Path to Revival (as part of Malay Culturefest 2015) in November 2015.
Kaizen m.d.

Be the one to fill the void for Singaporean Art-making, the Kaizen way.
To create original, process-based Singaporean works focusing on the interdisciplinary and the intercultural, regardless of art form
To provide platforms in exploring opportunities, developing artistic capability, and fill a gap in the arts scene.
To create and maintain meaningful and long-term collaboration with the arts community at large.